A dear friend sent me this picture on New Year’s Day. All I can say is: 2 handsome dudes, 2 beautiful women, and 1 sweet, sweet dog.

Spragoon, Adidas, VO & KM & Pepper

Ellie Williams: Thoughts 10 Years Down the Road.

Very thoughtful & beautiful story by a Maplewoodian friend. Please share if you feel so moved.




 Top 10 Things NOT to Say to Someone with ME/CFS

A well-thought-out list. I’ve had them all said to me except #6. My pet peeve is #10 — especially if the miracle item is being sold by an acquantance or co-worker as part of a multi-level marketing opportunity.

But that is the exception. Most of my friends say kind, supportive things and for that I love them.

Is The ‘Coffee Buzz’ Actually Real?.

“‘Both caffeine and expectation of having consumed caffeine improved attention and psychomotor speed,’ researchers wrote in the study.

Researchers also took stock of the study participants’ moods during the study, and found that the people who thought they were drinking caffeinated coffee but weren’t had happier moods than the others.”

I am convinced I would know if my morning coffee was decaffeinated. Did this study include any Coffee-Achievers like myself? Did it include any people with CFS/ME? Was this the coffee-drinking participants SECOND cup of coffee that day? In other words, did the participants try to drink only decaf then actually get up and get dressed in the morning?

Another scientific area that needs more research.


If you haven’t seen this video, you should take a look. The pink building is (was) a quilt studio.

Thanks to A.R-C. for the link.

WFCR: Marooned in Hawley, and Appreciative (2011-09-02).

Nice essay about Irene by Tinky Weisblatt (a friend of a friend).
Thanks to R.B. for the link.

First Day of School

September 1, 2011

Following an 11-year tradition, here are pictures of the first day of school.
First Day of School 2011
Both boys are in High School. I am so proud of them!
First Day of School

Squishy Circuits

April 11, 2011

Really great video about hands-on electrical engineering with kids. (Thanks for the link, JBJ!)

Online Tracking Programs

March 3, 2011

If you are concerned with Flash cookies and other online tracking methods, this is the best article I have found to help you figure out what you can do: Tools to Manage Internet Cookies (NY Times).

Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 14, 2011

Heart Sculpture at Villa Friedrich Lohmann sen. in Witten
Villa Friedrich Lohmann sen. in Witten Germany, by Frank Vincentz (Wikimedia Commons)